
Is Technology Creating a Social Disconnect ?



1.) After reading the resources at the bottom of this page, address the following questions: 

Essential Question:

Are we really alone or in the presence of millions? 

Supporting Questions:

How do we use a computer that is essentially cold communication and create warm connections with other people? 

What is needed to make that connection?? (Free hugs or recognition???) 

Could we learn from each other?? 

Authenticity crisis: Individual or anonymous? 

2.) Set up an account on http://www.blogger.com/.  I've decided to use one bogging system for consistency. 

3.) Please prepare your blog share your views on your thoughts on social disconnect - social networking.  When complete,  post URL of blog so others can comment.

4.) Please comment on each other's blogs. This will count as class participation, and to start discussion. 

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