
Understanding Philosophy



Follow the following steps to complete this assignment:

1) Research credible sites using the databases to uncover the basic beliefs and ideas of each philosophy listed in the Word document attached.  Record your notes on each philosophy in the table found in this document. Be sure to include the basic beliefs and problems the philosophies were created for.

2) As you learn about each philosophy, break down the components that go into a philosophy by taking notes in the "Components of a Good Philosophy" section of the table found in the Webquest Word document attached below.

3) After visiting various credible sites and recording your notes in the Word document, evaluate which philosophy is the best and explain in your own words.

4) Come up with three to four problems that you believe are major in our society.

5) Create your own philosophy that will deal with these problems.  Make sure your original philosophy includes the components of a good philosophy that you discovered through your research.

*Attached below is a link to the databases.  Try searching the encyclopedia links (Brittannica, New Book of Knowledge, etc) first and then look at other useful databases such as History Reference Center, CultureGrams, Galileo, etc.  If you need to access these databases from home then you need to get a password from the media specialist. Don't just Google!  You don't always get credible sources when you google!   Begin by opening up the Word document, saving it to your H (Home) drive and writing your name at the top.  Take notes in this document as you begin your journey to learn about each philosophy.

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