
Investigating Your State: A Study of New York!



1.) You will be given an "Investigate Your State" booklet to find information about New York State.

2.) Use the booklet to write notes using websites, your Social Studies book, or books from our classroom.  You can print pictures from the websites or draw your own.  Label each picture so we know what it is, Example: "State Bird - Bluebird".  Some sections require 2-3 sentences.  Be sure to spell words correctly, use proper punctuation, and capitals to write complete sentences when necessary.

3.) After doing your research, ask your teacher for a second booklet to use as a final copy.

4.) Complete the booklet in your best handwriting.  Draw or use pictures that you found while doing your research to complete your final project.  Proofread and edit your work!

**Attached below is the booklet that the children will use, along with various websites they can refer to.

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