
Trash by Andy Mulligan

Social Activity


  1. Collect cardboard boxes to distribute to the classrooms.
  2. Each class creates a small recycle �bin� for its classroom.
  3. Students may decorate the bin/box or label it with the Recycling label located below.
  4. Each Friday (8:10-8:30am), three Green Team members come to classrooms to collect recyclable items.
  5. Classroom students may help Green Team members sort recyclable items into our 3 large trash bags for 1) aluminum, 2) small plastic bottles, and 3) large plastic bottles.
  6. The Green Team will make arrangements for the recyclable materials to be picked up.


Description: Sesame Street: It's Easy Being Green

  • File
    Description: Editable recycling label

Web Link
  • Activity Credit
    Description: Social awareness activity modified from this blog.

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