
Trash by Andy Mulligan

Vocabulary List


Book code - (also Book Cipher) A book cipher is a cipher in which the key is some aspect of a book or other piece of text.

Cholera - an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food.

Decompression Chamber - a controlled environment for raising and lowering atmospheric pressure with selective air mixtures.

Dumpsite - a dump for garbage, usually a dump that is actively in use; or the location of such a dump.

in Memoriam - (Latin) In memory of; to the memory of; as a memorial to. Usually written in the preface of an obituary.

Missionary - a member of a religious group sent into an area to carry on ministries of the word, such as evangelism and literacy, or ministries of service, such as education, social justice, health care and economic development.

Peso - unit of currency in the Philippines. One American dollar is equivalent to about 40-50 pesos. In the story, the children make about 100-200 pesos a day. The reward offered by the police is 1100 pesos or roughly equivalent to $24 American dollars, or almost 2 weeks work.

Rubbish - (British) trash

Seed Corn - money provided at the beginning of a project in hopes of the outcome becoming self-sustaining or profitable.

Stuppa - (slang) human feces

Trainers - (British slang) a generic name for the the the footwear primarily designed for sports or other forms of physical exercise.

Typhoon - the name for a tropical storm originating in the Pacific Ocean; a hurricane.


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  • Photo Credit
    Description: Wilson Youth Group, Wilson Airport, Kenya

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