
When words mean more than they say! - English Idioms :DD



The objective of this webquest is to help you become familiar with idioms and idiomatic phrases. An Idiom is a phrase with a special meaning. Often the meaning has very little to do with the actual meanings of the words taken one by one.

Idioms are fun and useful expressions that usually cannot be understood by defining the separate words. Like phrasal verbs, these expressions need to be memorized as a whole. Try visualizing them or drawing pictures when you study them. Your teacher or homestay family will call you one smart cookie if you come up with an idiomatic expression like that when they least expect it!Most idioms don't seem to make any sense because their origins are so old. Some of them come from ancient literature or even classic films. Learning the background of idioms can help you to remember them.

Idioms are one of the most fun parts about learning English so it's worth to know it.  I hope this webquest will help you  gain some useful knowledge about idioms without undue effort ;DD

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