
Modern Sports



 Practice sports are  good ways to be healthy in our life, they can help us to be healthier, be happy, to develop our work very well, to know more people,
 to have more friends, enjoy the life as much as possible and so on.
 It is really important to practice sports during our life, they make us to feel motivated, we can lose weight if we are overweight, we are able to live more
 time. Well, sports help many people  to have  fun, through them, we can share more time with our friends, family, new people, we can know new places,
 share ideas, enjoy funny moments, etc.
 Nowadays, there are several sports, which we can practice some of them and get them as hobby in our free time. Every sports have their onw famous                     
 players, to become a famous player in some sport, they can earn a lot of money, to have many funs, to buy whatever they want, travel world wide, 
 to know other famous players, etc.
 In this webQuest will do several activities, for example, write a list of sports, describe their favorite sport, and so on.

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