
Reading Strategies and Activities for Under-Resourced Students



 Everyday under-resourced students come to school without the appropriate skills they need. This can negatively influence their reading development and result in a strain in all of their academic subjects.


Regardless of the age, grade level, and reading proficiency of a student, the teacher is a valuable component in the reading act. A teacher can be a guide to the primary-grade student as he or she connects letters with sounds, background knowledge, sight words, and oral with written language to read his or her first book. A teacher can also help intermediate-grade students learn how to interpret and explain the author's message in a novel or nonfiction text the student is reading. By becoming an informed reading teacher you will be effective because you not only know what to do as a teacher, but you know why you are doing it.


This webquest has been designed to show different strategies and activities that reading teachers can use to help under-resourced children in their classrooms. Many of these strategies can be found in Chapter One of All Children Can Learn: Effectively Educating the Under-Resourced Child by Thea Williams-Black. The other strategies are some that I have used within my own classroom.


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