
The Renaissance in Spain: 15th and 16th Century




Would you like to travel to Spain? Before you say yes, think about learning more about the history and culture of this country, and by doing so you will be able to understand and recognized the art and architecture that you are going to appreciate when you go there.
What do you know:
What do you already know about Spain? And how is it connected to us (Americans)?
Have you read any literature from a Spanish writer or know any paint from Spain?
Have you read or heard about the renaissance period in Spain or any other country? If yes, state what you know.
This webquest is created to help the Spanish Literature students learn, in a different way, about the Spanish Renaissance and acquire the basic knowledge they need in order to answer the following questions, which are going to appear I their final exam. At the same time this webquest have as a main objective to make the renaissance information easier for students, since they are only going to be responsible for one part of the big topic: example: in the group one student can focus on the art of this period, while another might concentrate on the history, and at the end they will set their information together an finish their task.
By the end of the Webquest students will be able to:

  1. 1. Describe in details the cultural and political situation of the 15th and 16th century
  2. 2. Describe the social and political aspects of the reign of the catholic kings: (Fernando & Isabel)
  3. 3. Named four important events that took place in Spain in 1492
Students will be able to answers these questions:
  1. 1. What is the Golden Age or “ Siglo de Oro”?
  2. 2. How is the poetry of the 15th century in Spain?
  3. 3.  Who was Carlos V (15th century)?
  4. 4. How people view life during the Renaissance in Spain?
  5. 5. What is Renaissance and the humanistic emergence?
  6. 6. How does Garcilaso’ poem reflect the Renaissance?
  7. 7. How is the art during the Renaissance?
  8. 8. What is “La Celestina”? And why is important?









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