
Grammar Glamor!



Hold on to your coats, hats, purse, or even shoes!  YOU are entering the Grammar Glamor world to engage in an expedition like "Lewis and Clark", but even more, a great roller coaster ride of "Grammar Glamor Fun! This expedition will enhance your ride into the English grammar, the most dynamic tool that we can't do without in the world!  Use the links provided and discover the meaning behind the Parts of Speech.  Go ahead!  We're waiting on you.  Have fun and learn!

Essential Question:  What are the Parts of Speech?

Guiding Question:  Why are the Parts of Speech important to the English language and cultures throughout the world?

BIG IDEA:  Knowing the Parts of Speech is like wearing a strong armour that  will take you near and far through many languages and culture to create a writing and speaking atmosphere to enhance your understanding in context and comprehension.


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