
Focus on Scotland today



What comes to your mind if you hear the word 'Scotland'? Is it the film 'Braveheart' directed and starred by Mel Gibson? William Wallace, the hero fought for the independence in the 13th century. 

Both England and Scotland have shared a monarch since 1603 and on 1 May 1707 the Scottish Parliament and the English Parliament united to form the Parliament of Great Britain, based in London. It was only in 1999, after almost three centuries, a devolved Scottish parliament was opened.

Today the present Scottish government (The First Minister Alex Salmond) would like to have a referendum on independence in 2014. Is this a good idea? Will the Scots vote YES?

The purpose of this webquest is to analyse the arguments for and against Scottish independence and make a presentation in PowerPoint. Is Alex Salmon the modern Braveheart?

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