


          The evaluation method that was used to urge students to meet the required performance standards was a rubric. A rubric is a guideline highlighting specific areas in which students will be evaluated and how marks will be awarded. In this web quest learners performance will be evaluated based on their knowledge at the end of the lesson and how well they understand the content, their effective use of the resources provided, correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the overall effort displayed in their attempts to complete the tasks assigned in this lesson. 


# Marks (1) Marks (2) Marks (3) Marks (4) Score
GRAMMAR, SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION Poor grammar, spelling and punctuation is displayed. Several errors are displayed. Fair grammar, spelling and punctuation is displayed. Fewer errors are displayed. Good grammar, spelling and punctuation is displayed. Little errors are displayed. Excellent grammar, spelling and punctuation is displayed. No errors are displayed.
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF CONTENT Poor display quality of knowledge and poor demonstration on understanding of content. Fair display quality of knowledge and fair demonstration on understanding of content. Good display quality of knowledge and good demonstration on understanding of content. Excellent display quality of knowledge and excellent demonstration on understanding of content.
USE OF RESOURCES Student shows poor and little use of resources. Student shows fair and average use of resources. Student shows good and sufficient use of resources. Student shows excellent and proper use of resources.
EFFORT No time and effort is seen in the work completed. Little time and effort is seen in the work completed. Sufficient time and effort is seen in the work completed. Abundant time and effort is seen in the work completed.

Total Score: ____ / 16

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