
Enjoying Literature




# 2 3 4 5 Score
Organization Sequence of information is difficult to follow. Student has difficulty reading information because the students is unsettled. Students present information in logical sequence that is easy to follow. Information in logical sequence, interesting sequence which reader can follow. 5
Content/Knowledge Students do not understand the assignment, do not grasp the information and has not answered the question. Students are u uncomfortable with the content and is able to demonstrate basic concepts. Student is at ease with the content but fails to elaborate. Students demonstrate full knowledge of the content. 5
Grammar and Spelling Work has five or more spelling and grammatical errors. Presentation has four or more spelling and grammatical errors. Presentation has three or more spelling and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has no spelling or grammatical errors. 5
Neatness Work is Illegible. Work has three or four areas that are sloppy. Work has one or two areas that are sloppy. Work is neat and clean and well done. 5

Total Score: 20

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