


Do you understand? Have you put in effort? Did you really "translate"?


# 0-4 points 5-9 points 10-14 points 15-20 points Score
Props No props few last minute, not cohesive adequate props but some explaination required cohesive use of props, music and surroundings. /15
interpretation read from script read from script and made an attempt act it out interpreted actions and the theme of the play interpretted the theme, motifs, symbols and actions of the play in an understandable and relatable way /25
Translation reads from script, cannot answer correctly when asked to sum up the act reads from script and shows understanding Ad-libs but shows no creativity in modernizing it creative translation with very few mistakes /20
Overall Cohesion unplanned and messy somewhat thought out but a few group members are not "in the loop" practiced and put together very well rehersed, everyone understands and comprehends the concepts /40

Total Score: /100

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