
Animals with backbones




# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Animal Kingdom Facts data sheet Student made an attempt to complete worksheet. Student completed worksheet with numerous errors. Student completed worksheet with few mistakes. She/He works with the webquest to find the answers. Student completed worksheet with correct answers. He/She worked with her partner and webquest searching for information above and beyond what the worksheet asked for. 1 - 4
Powerpoint Powerpoint lacked the information. Little creativity and contained fewer then three pages. Powerpoint as compares and contrasts animals but lacks some detail. Powerpoint is creative and has compares and contrasts animals with backbone. Power point is 3 pages and organized well. Powerpoint was creative and followed the instruction designed. Powerpoint has 3 pages and included references. Students go beyond expectations. 1 - 4
Participation Student did little to work with other students as they completed the webquest. Student was involved in some discussion of their webquest. Student was inquisitive and discussed the webquest with other students. Student went above and beyond discussing many areas of the webquest and worksheet. They challenge student's to look further. 1 - 4
Animal Model Student's model is incomplete. Student choose one animal and created a basic model. Student had little information on the animal and did not have the all the correct features. Student has all the elements within the animal mode. She is able explain why this model is placed in it's individual classification. Student has gone above expectations. She has created a model of more the one animal and is able to explain the similarities and differences of the models. 1 - 4

Total Score: 4 - 16

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