
Exploring the United States Constitution




# Below Average 10 pts Average 15 pts Above Average 20pts Excellent 25 pts Score
Information The information is not factual or relevant, or it does not contain any of the important points. Student shows little or no understanding of technology, the Constitution, or assignment. Information is either not completely factual or relevant, or major important parts are missing. Student does not demonstrate a good understanding of technology, the Constitution, or assignment. Information presented is factual and relevant to the U.S. Constitution but seems to be lacking a complete understanding of technology, the Constitution, or the assignment. Information presented is factual and relevant to the U.S. Constitution. Information gathered shows evidence of an understanding of technology and of the Constitution. 25 points
Presentation Most of the information being presented is unclear, or students presenting do not demonstrate an understanding of the information or the use of technology most of the time. About half of the information being presented is unclear, or students presenting do not demonstrate an understanding of the information or using technology at least half of the time. Information presented may be unclear at times or lack creativity. Students presenting do not demonstrate a clear understanding of information being presented at times or a clear understanding of using technology. Information is presented in a clear, creative manner that is easy to understand. Students presenting demonstrate a clear understanding of using technology to research information. 25 points
Working in groups The individual student either does not participate in the group, or disrupts the group by not getting along with others or not allowing others to participate. The individual student participates only about half of the time, or has trouble getting along with others or allowing others to participate in the group. The individual student participates most of the time with the group, but may at times, have problems participating,getting along with others, or allowing others to participate in the group. The individual student participates fully with the group, gets alog with group members, and allows all members to participate in the group. 25 points
Individual work The student does not demonstrate an understanding of technology, the Constitution, or assignment at least half of the time. The student demonstrates an understanding of technology, the Constitution, and assignment half of the time. The student demonstrates an understanding of technology, the Constitution, and assignment most of the time. The student demonstrates a clear understanding of technology, the Constitution, and assignment. 25 points

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