
The Solar System



Evaluation Rubric

  Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score

Description of physical characteristics SS07-S4C2-01 The brochure contains a description of one of these items: 1. Climate 2. Distance 3. Two geographical features 4. Basic description of the planet. The brochure contains a description of two of these items: 1. Climate 2. Distance 3. Two geographical features 4. Basic description of the planet. The brochure contains a description of three of these items: 1. Climate 2. Distance 3. Two geographical features 4. Basic description of the planet. The brochure contains a description of all of these items: 1. Climate 2. Distance 3. Two geographical features 4. Basic description of the planet. %40

Visuals and Pictures VP-E2 There are no pictures in the brochure. Or the pictures are inappropriate and do not enhance the brochure. The brochure contains at least one picture of the planet. The pictures are appropriate and enhance the brochure. The brochure contains at least 2 pictures of the planet. The pictures are appropriate and enhance the brochure. The brochure contains at least 3 pictures of the planet. The pictures are appropriate and enhance the brochure. %25

Describe how environments infleunce living conditions SS07-S4C6-02 The brochure does not include a list of items for survival on the planet. The brochure includes a list of essential items for survival on the planet but contains no explanation for these items. The brochure includes a list of essential items for survival on the planet but some items have an illogical explanation for why it is needed. The brochure includes a list of essential items for survival on the planet and each item has a logical explanation for why it is needed. %25

Presentation VP-E2 LS-E2 The brochure was done poorly. The brochure was not well prepared. Students were not sure why they would travel to your planet. The brochure was well prepared, and several of your classmates were convinced to travel to your planet. The brochure was well prepared, and most of your classmates were convinced to travel to your planet. %10

Total Score: %100


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