
The Great Depression



You will be evaluated based on the quality of your research and the quality of your essay. You will be graded based on a rubric so look at it carefully to understand exactly how you will be graded. 


# 8-10 points 5-7 points 2-4 points 0-1 points Score
Webquest worksheet The worksheet is filled our correctly and has plenty of information. The worksheet is filled out but may be missing important information. The worksheet is not complete and is missing information. The worksheet is barely complete or not complete at all. 10
Historical Accuracy of Essay The essay is historically accurate and is full of exciting and interesting facts. The essay is historically accurate and has some exciting and interesting facts. The essay may not be historically accurate and has only a few exciting and interesting facts. The essay is historically accurate and has no exciting and interesting facts. 10
Quality of Writing Essay is grammatically correct with no errors. Essay is grammatically correct with very few errors. Essay is grammatically incorrect with many errors. Essay is grammatically incorrect to the point where it is difficult to read. 10
Following Directions Follows directions flawlessly and does not need to be kept "on-task". Follows directions flawlessly but sometimes gets "off-task". Follows directions but often gets off-task Does not follow directions well and is often gets off-task. 10

Total Score: 40

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