
Travel through Time




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Newspaper has a realistic and creative title. Title does not appropriately describe the newspaper. Title appropriate describes the newspaper, but it is not capitalized or formatted properly. Title appropriately describes the newspaper and is capitalized and formatted properly, but it could be more creative. Title appropriately describes the newspaper, is capitalized and formatted properly, and is creative. %25
The Newspaper uses correctly formatted columns The newspaper has columns, but they are not formatted. The newspaper has columns, but they are not formatted correctly. The newspaper has correctly formatted columns, but the number of columns is not appropriate to the articles. The Newspaper uses correctly formatted columns, and they are displayed in an appropriate and creative way. %25
The newspaper contains information that answers the questions in the process page. Newspaper only contains information on 1 of the 4 questions. Newspaper only contains information on 2 of the 4 questions. Newspaper only contains information on 3 of the 4 questions. Newspaper contains information on all four questions. %25
The newspaper has been reviewed using the Spelling and Grammar check tools. Newspaper contains many spelling and grammar errors. Newspaper has a few (3) spelling and grammar errors. Newspaper contains one or two minor spelling and grammar errors. Newspaper contains no errors in spelling or grammar. %25

Total Score: %100

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