
The Crucible and other Witch Hunts



# 4 3 2 1 Score
1692 Salem & Puritanism All questions answered thoroughly proving that you read through and understood all the research material. All questions answered, but some are incomplete or it is obvious you didn't read all the material. Some questions unanswered and obviously incomplete research. Incomplete or unanswered questions and/or research. 20%
McCarthyism All questions answered thoroughly proving that you read through and understood all the research material. All questions answered, but some are incomplete or it is obvious you didn't read all the material. Some questions unanswered and obviously incomplete research. Incomplete or unanswered questions and/or research. 20%
The Crucible Questions All questions answered thoroughly proving that you read through and understood all the research material. All questions answered, but some are incomplete or it is obvious you didn't read enough material. Some questions unanswered and obviously incomplete research. Incomplete or unanswered questions and/or research. 20%
Conclusion & Comparisons All questions answered thoroughly and comparisons are insightful. They point out the underlying similarities. All questions answered, but some are incomplete or weak. Comparisons are surface level. Some questions unanswered and/or weak comparisons. Not very analytical. Incomplete or unanswered questions and/or comparisons. 40%

Total Score: 100%

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