
What Time is It? It's Time to Tell Time!!




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Attentiveness & Following Directions Student did not pay attention and could not complete activties. Student was unable to identify parts of the clock or complete any of the activities. Student was not able to identify the difference between analog and digital clocks. Student was attentive occasionally and needed reminders. Student was able to identify some parts of the clock and was able to complete most of the activities with some prompting. Student was able to name the two types of clocks but could not describe and/or identify the differences. Student was attentive and was able to identify all parts of the clock. Student was able to distinguish between analog and digital clocks. Student was very attentive and was able to identify all parts of the clock. Student was able to distinguish between analog and digital clocks. Student was able to complete all of the activities without prompting and was able to help other students. %20
Participation Student did not participate in activities and did not work well with others. Limited student participation and worked well with only certain students. Student participated willingly and worked well with most of the other students. Student was very active in participating and worked well with all other students when asked to do so. %15
Activity Completion Student did not complete any assigned activity in its entirety. Student did not apply information presented to complete activities and learning games. Student completed some of the assigned activities. Student was able to apply some of the information presented to complete activities and learning games. Student completed most of the assigned activities and worked hard at trying to apply information presented to complete activities and learning games. Student solicted questions to gain a better understandingof material. Student completed all assigned activities. Student was able to apply all of the information presented to complete activities and learning games. Student tutored other students to help them gain a better understandingof the material. %25
Comprehension/Evaluation Student did not display an overall understandingof telling time. Student unable to complete any of assigned activities. Student's comprehension level falls below 60% of items assessed. Student displays some understandingof telling time. Student's comprehension level falls between 60% to 79% of items assessed. Student displays an understandingof telling time. Student's comprehension level falls between 89% to 80% Student displays above average understandingof telling time. Student's comprehension falls between 100% to 90% of items assessed. %40

Total Score: %100

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