



Fact or fiction of HALLOWEEN:  Test Knowledge of Subject (answer the following questions), Country Research, KWL Chart

  1. Halloween originated as a pagan festival known as what?
  2. What was the believed about spirits and other evil creatures on Halloween?
  3. How could people protect theirself from evil?
  4. The ancient Celts began the tradition of wearing masks and costumes on Halloween. Why?
  5. Which country celebrates the Day of the Dead starting at midnight Oct. 31?
  6. The ancient Celts used which vegetable to carve their jack o'lanterns?
  7. How does the US differ from other countries when celebrating Halloween?
  8. True or False:  Black cats are bad luck!
  9. What was the original name for Halloween?
  10. Why did they use to build a bonfire on Halloween?


# Needs Improvement Average Very Good Excellent Score
Distinguishing fact and fiction Lacks understanding of the difference between fact and fiction concerning subject. Knows some of the facts about the subject but added more than one fiction. Can name and distinguish most of the fact from fiction. Clear understanding of subject. Can name and distinguish the difference between fact and fiction. 1-25
Knowledge of Subject Student knew very little about the subject or its origin. Student knew some information about the subject. Knew very little about its origin. Student was knowledgeable about the subject or its origin. Student was very knowledgeable about the subject or its origin. Added extra input and information about the topic. 1-25
Research of foreign country Student did not pick a country. Student may not know the difference between a country and a state, Student was able to pick a country but had few facts. Student was able to make a good comparsion between US and the country they chose on the subject. Students was able to provide accurate comparison between countries with no errors. Included extra facts. 1-25
Written Assignment Student completed the assignment with several errors. Not easily understood. Poorly written. Student submitted clearly written assignment with less than three spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Student submitted clearly written assignment with one or less spelling or punctuation No grammatical errors. Student submitted a well written assignment with no spelling or punctuation errors. Demonstrated excellent usage of grammar. 1-25

Total Score: 100 points

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