
Rounding To The Nearest Tens Place




# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Understanding the concept of place value and rounding off to the nearest tens place. Do not understand the role of place value or how to round to up or down do not quite to understand place value. can recognize the one place and tens place with a whole number. understands place value can recognize place value but have some error. to much error. 25/100
understanding rounding. not understanding well the concept but getting better. starting to develop with more practice gathering the tools to get better at rounding but still have error. developing with only over half of the errors corrected 50/100
still not quite got the process of rounding still have trouble but over all doing good Understands rounding with no confusion Some error 75/100
mastered rounding have on 7-10 problems incorrect. Have on 5 problems incorrect. Have only 1-3 problems incorrect. Have 100 percent of the problems correct. 80-100/100

Total Score: 100/100

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