
Introduction to Argumentative Writing - Playing Video Games: Good or Bad?



Your work will be evaluated according to the evaluation rubric below. The main task is the argumentative essay and this is evaluated based on the criteria and standard given in MUET (Malaysian University English Test). The total score for your report presentation, group participation and argumentative essay is 100%.  


# Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
Report Presentation(Content and Language Accuracy) Presents very little information on the structure, steps and techniques in argumentative essay. Language is grossly inaccurate. Presents some information on the structure, steps and techniques in argumentative essay. Language is sometimes inaccurate with some spelling and grammatical errors. Presents most of the information on the structure, steps and techniques in argumentative essay. Language is in good control with only a few mistakes. Presents a lot of information on the structure, steps and techniques in argumentative essay. Language is in very good control with only one or two slips. 20 %
Team Work/Group Dynamics Had difficulty working together. No equal group participation and contribution. Cannot finish work on time. Able to resolve some problems or difficulties working together. Not all members contributed equally; able to finish work on time. Had not much problems working together. Group members participated and contributed quite equally well.Able to finish work on time. Able to work together effectively and finish the task on time. All group members participated and contributed equally and effectively. 20 %
Argumentative Essay Shows very limited response to the task; only one argument point given and no counter point at all. Lacks organization of ideas. Contains too many spelling and grammatical errors. Shows satisfactory response to the task. Give more than one argument and counter-point. Ideas are logically sequenced; language is sometimes inaccurate. Contains some spelling and grammatical errors. Shows good response to the task. Give more than two arguments and counter-points. Ideas are quite well-developed and organized. Contains very few grammatical errors. Shows excellent response to the task. Ideas are very well organized and developed. Give more than three arguments and counter-points. Language is in excellent control with only one or two slips. Contains varieties of vocabulary and sentence structures. 60 %

Total Score: 100 %

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