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# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Proficient at grade level3 Exemplary 4 Score
Lesson plan Unsearched information and weak expression of ideas. Partially met expectations in research, expressed the ideas with minor errors in organizationalskills and used very few materials. Passable piece of research, almost expressed the ideas in an organized manner and used very few materials. Well researched, expressed the ideas in an organized manner and used different kinds of materials. %25
Handout Did not complete the handout. Completed the handout, but it did not relate to the topic or it did not include any creativity. Completed the handout, but it almost related to the topic and it included a few creativity. Completed the handout appropriately and it included much creativity. %25
Using the language Did not respond to social communication or apply the knowledge of writing. Responded to social communication and applied knowledge of writing partially. Responded to social communication and applied knowledge of writing with minor errors. Responded to social communication appropriately and applied knowledge of writing adequately. %25
Performance during teaching in the classroom Did not fulfill aims or facilitate when necessary. Fulfilled aims and facilitated partially. Fulfilled aims but facilitated inadequately. Fulfilled aims very well, facilitated when necessary. %25

Total Score: %100

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