
Discovering relationships among parties partaking in WWII




# Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Very Good Excellent Score
Grammar/Sentence structure Poor grammar, and sentence structure. Ideas are difficult to understand. Okay grammar, and good flow with sentences. Great grammar, and sentence structure with flowing paragraphs. Outstanding grammar with well structured sentences and paragraphs that flow.
Clearly Stated Thesis No thesis stated clearly. Thesis weakly supported. Good thesis back with good support. Strong thesis, back with correct resources.
Paragraph Structure Run on sentences, and no flow within paragraph. Good sentences, but no flow within paragraph. Good sentences, first sentence in paragraph introduces the main idea in paragraph. Great sentences, Strong intro. with well supported ideas throughout the paragraphs.
Relationship between Countries Show no relationship between countries. Show relationship between countries, with little support. Show good relationship, with good support. Show great relationship between countries, give strong examples and support with proper resources.

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