
The New USDA Food Plate




Your final project, which includes your menu, plates, essay and 5-minute class presentation, will be graded using the following criteria: 


# Excellent Good Average Below Average Score
5 Day Menu Effectively used graphic organizer. Included all food groups,special needs,and physical activities. Added details taht made chart appealing. Used graphic organizer. Included all food groups,special needs,and physical activities. Presented neat handwritten/drawn chart. Included most information. Menu was incomplete and hand written. 35%
Food Plates All plates were complete, appealing, and aligned with daily food group requirements. Variety was used. All plates were complete, appealing, and aligned with daily food group requirements. Some variety was used. All plates were complete but did not all meet requirements. Plates were incomplete and hard to decipher. 20%
Essay Essay was typed, thorough, and met word requiremens. Essay was typed and somewhat thorough. Met word requirements. Essay was typed and closely met word requirements. Essay was missing or not typed and did not meet word requirements. 30%
Presentation Student presented a neat and creative display and used time effectively to explain main ideas. Student presented neat display and used most of the time effectively to explain main ideas. Student presented average display but did not use time effectively. Students was unprepared or missing information. 15%

Total Score: 100%

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