
All About Books



To meet the goals you have to present the following:

1. You are working on a project about the ecosystems. You need to bring a list of 10 books (in any language) specifying:

  • Title
  • Author
  • ISBN
  • Publisher

2. You are helping your 7 year old sister to find appropiate books about animals. Make a list like the one above (title, author...)

3. In a grup of six graders we have all kind of students and they like a variety of things. To offer them the books they would probably like you have to make a list with the following books:

  • Two girls and one boy like fantasy
  • 2 boys like mistery
  • One girl is below level and she likes adventures
  • 3 boys love books of humour
  • 2 boys and one girl like science fiction
  • 2 girls and two boys like history
  • One boy is above level and he likes novels, same as two other girls.
  • One boy likes horror books.


# Exemplary Very Good Developing Beginning Score
You are working on a project about the ecosystems. You need to bring a list of 10 books You make a 10 books list, writing all the information required and the books are appropiate. You make a list (7 to 9), writing all the information, and most of the books are appropiate. You make a list (3 to 6), writing some of the information required and some boooks are not appropiate. Your list has less than 3 books, lacking a lot of information and most of them are not appropiate. 30%
You are helping your 7 year old sister to find appropiate books about animals. You write a 10 books list with all the information required. All of them are about animals and appropiate for the age level. You write a 7 to 9 books list with most of the information required. Most of them are about animals and appropiate for the age level. You write a 3 to 6 books list with some of the information required. Some of them are about animals and appropiate for the age level. You write a less than 3 books list with some of the information required. Only a few of them are about animals and appropiate for the age level. 30%
In a grup of six graders we have all kind of students and they like a variety of books. Find what they like. You have found all 20 books and they are all what the children like. You have found 15 to 19 books and most of them are what the children like. You have found 9 to 14 books and some of them are what the children like. You have found less than 9 books and only a few of them are what the children like. 40%

Total Score: 100%

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