
Let's learn to Graph!



        Congratulations you have completed the graphing webquest. You have learned all about bar graphs, how they are used, why they are used, and how to create them. You have also learned about cirlce graphs/pie charts and how they are used and why they are used. Lastly you have also learned about line graphs and how to create them. You have learned how to make a data and use that data to put into the three different types of graphs.

       You did a wonderful job at collecting data and three different graphs. You now also know all your classmates favorite ice creams! You have done a great job showing your abilities on graphing. I hope you have enjoyed this webquest and that it was a big help to you learning about graphs. Now that you have learned about bar, cirlce, and line graphs, you should look up other types of graphs and use your knowledge on these graphs to learn about other kinds.

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