
Life in The Middle Ages: The Black Death



Medieval Europe was a difficult time and place to live, particularly for the average person without means.  You should have picked up on many things, such as:
  • People were already malnourished.  
  • The land was being over-farmed.  
  • There was severe disruption in the climate during this time.  
  • There was a great deal of political upheaval.

So how did these and other elements contribute to the beginnings of the Renaissance period in European History? 

The Black Death contributed to the end of medieval Europe by:
  • The peasant's rebellions grew in response to nobles' refusal to increase wages.
  • The Catholic church lost prestige due to its inability to stop the plague through prayer and intervention.
  • The depopulation of Europe and the economic downfall of many institutions left a vacuum that was filled by new more modern institutions. 
By now, you have learned a great deal about the Black Death in Medieval Europe.  You have viewed a variety of sources on the material presented in differing formats.  

As your team concludes their research, you should now be able to answer the questions formulated at the beginning of the project.  You should also have created three of your own cause and effect questions and be able to provide answers for those as well.  Do not forget your audience when constructing the answers to these questions.  

Here are some final questions to help guide you as you prepare to work on your Web 2.0 presentation.

1.   What aspect will you focus on most heavily?  Demographics, politics, scientific evidence?

2.   What piece of information did you find most surprising throughout your research?  If this information surprised you, it will likely surprise your audience as well.  Consider using this bit of information as your "hook" at the beginning of your presentation.

3.   What format do you think will most accurately relay the information you wish to present to your peers?  Consider using various multimedia elements in your presentation.

Choose a Web 2.0 presentation tool and request approval from your teacher or school librarian as soon as possible.  Make sure you note your approval on your project checklist.  You may view a list of Web 2.0 tools available at the following site:

Remember to use Easybib.com to create your Works Cited or Consulted in your electronic document that will be turned in to your teacher. 

Assess your work using the Black Death WebQuest Rubric or other assessment instrument provided to you. 


The Black Death in European Town
Description: Edmonds, Molly. "How the Black Death Worked" 27 February 2008. HowStuffWorks.com. 28 October 2012

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