
Biomes of the World



You have now learned quite a bit of information on the biomes of the world. In addition, you have also learned about food webs and predator-prey interactions. You have related both the biotic and abiotic factors that contribute to a given ecosystem. Furthermore, you have learned about ecological based trips to various areas across the globe. I will now leave you with some questions to ponder.

What are the impacts humans have on these environments?

Should we create even more National Parks and Reserves?

What are the trapping and hunting regulations across the globe?

How can we conserve the species that are endangered or threatened in these biomes?

What are ways to save these organisms?

Are their practices in place to help these organisms?

What is the future of the earth and the organism that inhabit it?

Are their ways to slow climate change?

What effect do natural disaters have on an ecosystem and the organism that inhabit it?

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