
Land Transportation



Welcome: Land Transportation
Description: There are several methods we can travel by land. People and things are transported by some animals. In Jamaica, people and goods are transported by donkeys, mules, and horses; in other nations, camels, elephants, dogs, and oxen are employed in similar capacities. Animals are able to transport loads of any size, weight, or density. In Jamaica, food is transported in baskets known as hampers by donkeys from the farm to the market. Typically, the hampers are loaded with food when they go for the market and empty when they return home. Certain animals, like elephants and dogs, have long names, while others have short ones. › The letter "E" stands for the short /e/ sound that precedes the word "elephant." "e" Animals used for human or object transportation e.g. elephant, dog › The word elephant begins with the short /e/ sound; the /e/ sound is represented by the letter "E". "e" Animals that transport people or things should be cared for and protected, e.g. using saddles or horseshoes to proctext them
Grade Level: K-2
Curriculum: Social Studies
Keywords: Land, cars, Transportation, Land Transportation
Author(s): Janelle Evans

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