
NO! Understanding of Emotional/Behavioral Disorders

Teacher Page


This should be the goal of the all teachers in regular education or
special education. The educational systems will have to build off these
students strengths so they can help them achieve their dreams for a
bright future. Teachers along with parents will have to collaborate
together for good things to happen. Sometimes waiting patiently for
those teaching moments will close or far apart just keep an open mind so
you can help some of these students struggle through just another day. Too many times regular education teacher and special education teacher continue to treat students with Emotional or/and Behavorial Disorders like they are just unruly children. The student is punished with detentions, expulsions, and enticing parents to punish to correct the "Lazy Child". Does it have to take a suicide of a student who is depressed, confused, angry or withdrawn to wake some teachers up; we need to teach with positive discipline. Giving student an opportunity to choose the how they can turn their behavior around will last a life time.


Section can be related to Minnesota's standards by this link for an overview.

State of Minnesota Academic Standards Overview Page



http://education.state.mn.us/MDE/SchSup/SpecEdComp/index.html (definition in Minnesota)

I took the pictures, I would like to thank my grand daughters, Maria, Andre'anna, Nikaya and Latesha (1st picture) for being my characters for my WebQuest.

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