
Family Time

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Each one of us is an important part of a family unit!  Now you will get a chance to see just where you fit in.  You will create a family tree of your own, so that you can learn about your family's history.  When we are finished, we will share our "trees" and you will see that families come in all shapes, colors, and sizes!


We are about to read a story calle Brothers & Sisters, by Ellen B. Senisi. In this story, we will hear brothers and sisters of all ages talk about their families.

Families come in all shapes and sizes.  Every family has a history.  Where were your parents born?  How many brothers and sisters do they have?  How many brothers and sisters did their parents have?  The list can go on and on and on.

Students should complete the following exercises.

  1. Complete activities to practice the sound endings in two-syllable words.
  2. Read the story, Brothers and Sisters by Ellen B. Senisi
  3. Complete activities to practice vowel pairs, oa and ow
  4. Complete a chart containing information about family members.
  5. Create a family tree of your own.
  6. Write a story about your family.
  7. Complete Theme Skills Test


  1. Discuss the meaning of family.
  2. As a class, read Brothers & Sisters
  3. Complete these vocabulary activities.


     4.  Print out the "Word Search"


     5.  Have fun playing some fun sound endings games!    




     6.  Do some practice with long vowels.  Print out the worksheets.





     7.  Print out a sample of a "Family Member Chart"


     8.  Print out a blank "Family Member Chart", and complete it for homework.


     9.  Print out a "Family Tree" template and complete it as a family activity.


     10. Print out the Attachment File 1  and read the story about my family.

     11.  Write a story about your family!  Print out Attachment File 2 to help you get started.

     12.  Complete Theme Skills Test




Completing a Chart

Family Tree
Family tree includes yourself.Family tree includes yourself and your parents.Family tree includes yourself, your parents, and your brothers and sisters.Every family member is represented. 
Grammar / Phonics

Sound Endings
2 out of 5 correct on Theme Skills Test3 out of 5 correct on Theme Skills Test4 out of 5 correct on Theme Skills Test5 out of 5 correct on Theme Skills Test 

Vowel Pairs
2 out of 5 correct on Theme Skills Test3 out of 5 correct on Theme Skills Test4 out of 5 correct on Theme Skills Test5 out of 5 correct on Theme Skills Test 
Word Choice

"Family" Story
** 1 - 2 sentences about your family.
**Uses pictures and some words.
** 2 - 4 sentences about your family.
**Uses correct punctuation and capitalization.
** 3 - 5 sentences about your family.
** Uses correct punctuation and capitalization.
**Uses complete sentences.
** 4 - 6 sentences about your family.
**Uses complete entences
**Uses correct punctuation and capitalization.
**Good descriptions of your family
Total Score:



I hope you enjoyed reading the story Brothers and Sisters.  The pictures were really great!!  I'm sure you have some great pictures of your family also.  Did you know about all of the different types of families?

I am sure that you learned a lot about your family.  Hopefully, learning about your family's history gave you a better understanding of where you came from.

By now, you have had a lot of practice using sound endings.  Be sure to use the new skills you have learned in each writing piece you complete.

Vowel pairs are often tricky!  Not for you!!  Follow the rules you learned about the vowel pairs -oa and -ow whenever you write.

Wasn't it cool to make a family tree!  Did you know about all of the people in your family?  I bet you learned about people in your family that you never knew existed.

Finally, you used all of the skills that you have been pracitcing to create a wonderful story about your family.  I am sure that the whole class enjoyed learning about the family that you came from.

Keep your family tree and your story in a safe place.  You might want to share it with your children some day!



Standards- - -


1.1  Learning to Read Independently
        a)  track words when reading independently
        b)  connect meaning to text
        c)  produce the correct sound of the initial and final consonant of a given word

1.3  Reading, Analyzing adn Interpreting Literature
       a)  listen for a specific purpose based on teacher directive
       b)  utilize pictures, life experiences and text to predict outcome of a story
1.6  Speaking and Listening
       a)  express himself/herself in complete sentences when speaking and responding in class
       b)  ask questions of the speaker about important concepts/details
1.1.3C  During reading useknowledge of phonics, word analysis, syllabication, picture and context clues to decode and understand new words
1.1.3E  Acquire a reading vocabulary by identifying and correctly using words.  Use a dictionary when appropriate
1.1.3F  Understand the meaning of and use correctly the new vocabulary learned in various subject areas
1.1.3H  Demonstrate fluency an comprehension in reading
1.2.3A  Read and understand essential content of informational texts and documents in all academic areas
1.3.3A  Read and understand works of literature
1.3.3F  Read and respond to nonfiction and fiction, including poetry and drama


1.5.3A  Write with a sharp, distinct focus, identifying topic, task and audience
1.5.3B  Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic
1.5.3C  Write with controlled and/or subtle organization
1.5.3D  Write with awareness of the stylistic aspects of composition
1.5.3E  Revise writing to improve detail and order by identifying the missing information and determining whether ideasl follow logically
1.5.3F  Edit writing using the conventions of language
1.5.3G  Present and/or defend written work for publication when appropriate


1.6.3A  Listen to others
1.6.3B  Listen to a selection of literature
1.6.3C  Speak using skills appropriate to formal speech situations
1.6.3D  Contributes to discussions
1.6.3E  Participate in small and large group discussions and presentations

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