
Exploring Christmas Island

WebQuest Reviews (97)

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Please let me know if you would like to visit Christmas Island or not. I would personally rather be anywhere warm right now!

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i am not entertained by the island and i don't realy care abou it.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I don't really know if i want to go because it does not give me many details about what Christmas Island has or what it looks like. AT the same time I wanna go to see how it looks like and so i can have a vacation and experience what Christmas Island is about.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I'll never go there

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I wouldn't want to go to Christmas Island because i couldn't understand much of the people. Another reason i dont want to go to Christmas Island because I want to be home during Christmas with my family. Next I couldn't have a Christmas without snow. Last i dont want to spend money on the plane ticket.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I think if someone gave me a ticket to go I would, but I would not go out of my way to visit Christmas Island

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to go to Christmas island but I would be worried about the price. However it does sound like alot of fun and considering that I haven't left the country once, it would make sense. I would have to put more thought into it though.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I don't know if I would want to go because it doesn't really give enough detail about it and what there is in Christmas Island.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would go there because on the pictures they look really pretty and inviting! I like that they golf and have beaches, because golfing is fun when your just messing around and i love beaches! I like that the climate is warm because i hate being in cold weather. I also want to go there because the official language is english so i would be able to understand what everyone is talking about! The waterfalls look really pretty so if i went there i would definetly visit some of those. So therefore, i would definetly go to Christmas Island! (:

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would go there if I had to but if I didnt I would like to go some place else to live not to a place that I would fell like I had to get presents every day that would get so annouying the olny thing I would like is the parks and the beaches would be a good day going to the beach every day.:)

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would go if i had to but if i had a choice no i wouldnt go.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: After finding all this information about Christmas Island, I would most likely go there for a vacation. I like how its warm out and i would like to try to golf. I also would like to visit the waterfalls. Plus i would like to see all the different animals and plants they have their. I seen pictures if the island and its very pretty, i would like to visit there one day.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: after researching christmas island, i think it would be a nice place to travel to. the pictures look pretty and the climste seems inviting, i dont like cold weather so the tropics would be a fun get away! i dont think it would be my first choice for a vacation, but its definetly on my list. it looks like a beautiful island and ive never heard of it before today. i think its cool because english is the official language so it wouldnt be so hard to comunicate! unlike other tropical countrys its hard because they speak spanish, or chineese or some other forign language

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I wouldnt really want to go because there isnt really anything that is exciting or pops out to me and there are other places that do.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i dont want to go there because it dont look fun to me its plain.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i dont really know if i would want to go. i kind of would go bbecause there is no snow i hate cold! but it's a waste of money.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I do kind of want to go there because i like the warm weath and beaches. But other then that it looks kind of boring.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I think christmas island will be fun because i've always wanted to travel.I think i'll also enjoy it because it is a tropical island and I dont like the cold. I also think it will be fun because it is right near asia. I will be able to call home if I wanted to. I sort of like the name christmas island and the fact that it was found on christmas day. I dont realy beleve in anything but I am happy that it has so many religios people. And it is 2\3 of a national park! so I think going to christmas island would be realy fun.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i wouldnt like it because i really dont like moving out of states and having to meet new people and stuff. but i did like reading about the red crabs and there epic jprney to the rainforest.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Also the tropicial setting is well but I think they should also have natural setting too. Christmas Island is unique because it was found on Christmas day. Christmas Island is majior in tourism and thats how the country mostly makes money. the main laguages are Malay, Chinese, European. they have tropical birds, plants, and food.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: yes, because the weather there is nice.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I will like going there but is sounds like is a mack belive place .it talkes about red crops and yellow ants . its in the middel of the inden ocean .it sounds like not alot of peopel go ther . It is only 132 sq klamitors long hardly any populashan.I dont like ilands in the first place so it desint sound like a place id like to go to . i dont like the fact that its by astrala . thers alot of human disterbans ther to and theres alot of whater falls and trees and green plant all over . but its gest not a place id go to

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would go to Christmas Island for several reasons. The Climate is tropical and the island is located in Southeast Asia on the Indian Ocean. It is governed by Australia. It would be easy to communicate with most of the people because the official Language is english. Also, 63% of the Island is a natural park, so I will spend time in the nature, and they have a golf course. In addition, most of the population is Buddhist and muslim and 70% is Chinese, so it would be cool to observe different cultures.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i would like to go because its hot over their

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Though Christmas Island is located in Southeastern Asia, a place I would like to go, I would not go to Chrismas Island. I wouldn't like to go because there isn't anything that really stands out to me. It has a tropical wet season, and a hot humid season, and you can already experience that in Minnesota. Another reason I would not go Chrismas Island is because it is owned by Austrilia, and I do not like the Australian people. I do not have a problem with the ethnic groups that live there; 70% Chinese , 20%European , and 10% Malay. Also the history of Christmas Island isn't very interesting. It was named Chrismas Island because it was discovered on Christmas day, not very creative. Some of the ways you can travel to/on Christmas Island is by airplanes, and cars. But most of the land is unpaved, so driving might be a little difficult. These are all the reason I would not like to go to Christmas Island.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I love Christmas Island. I would like to go there because it is nice and hot instead of this cold temperture we get in Minnesota. Another reason i'd like to go there is that it is a natural park with over 200 species of plants, which 16 can only be found on the island. I think i would have a good time because english is the offical language and I speak english, so I can understand people most of the time. One reason I might not want to go there is that it's in the midle of the ocean and there is only one airport onthe whole island. Overall I think it would be a good place to take a vacation to.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: it is a very nice place it is came and quit becouse there is inly about 1,000 people there

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Christmas Island seems like a nice place to visit. Becuase the climate is nice and there are many fun activites to do. You could scuba dive or go bird watching, or even see the red crab migration. And communication will be easy because the official language of Christmas Island.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would possibly go to Christmas island for a vacation for a couple of days but not too long. I think it'd be hard in case you wanted to call your mommy but you can't cause there's no phones. I also don't think i'd like to go for a long period of time because even though english is the official language, Chinese and Malayan would be super hard to learn and i just prefer to have everyone understand me. I would though enjoy the tropical climate, like going diving and snorkling. It would be really like small since it's it's own country also and probably crowded. Also, not very many people are christian like I am, only 20% is, the rest is muslim which is 25%, and Buddhist which is 36%. 21% is other. It's located in Southeast Asia, it's an island on the in Indian Ocean, and south of Indonesia. 65% of it is national park so i'd have something to do most of the time. That is my reasons of why I would and wouldn't enjoy visiting Christmas Island!

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Christmas Island is located in Southeastern Asia. The climate is tropical from December to April and the rest of the time it's dry. The country is it's own country. Relious veiws are Buddhist, Muslim, and Christian. It got it's name from Captain William Mynors who discovered this island on Christmas day. Only 200 species of living flowers are living here. Some activities to do here are: snorkelling, diving, golf, whale sightings, and there is an outdoor cinema. I would probably not want to go to Christmas Island becuase there really isen't much to do there. The activities listed are things I don't really like to do, and since 63% of the island is a national park. I would have to go a long ways to explore other parts of the island. All in all, this island is not a place I would enjoy.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: christmas island---- i think i might like to visit it someday. very nice climate, sounds like some cool/ fun activites too. maybe someday i will go there!!!!!

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would not want to go to Christmas Island for a couple reasons. First, I wouldn't be able to relate to the ethnic and religious groups on the islands. Second, It is too hot and humid for me. Third, they don't have any recreational activites that i would enjoy. These are a couple reasons why I would not want to visit Christmas Island.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Though Christmas Island is a small, serene, peaceful place, there are many reasons why I would not go there this Christmas vacation. First, they don't have any television stations which is one of my top conserns when traveling. Second, the island is very small. Being only 3/4 the size of Washington D.C., there wouldn't be a lot of room to do things. Even though there are beaches and resorts, that doesn't make up for the fact that this island is so small. Third, this island only has 1 airport (which is unpaved) and 140km of road, and 110km of those roads are unpaved! This means that almost all the roads are bumpy and uncomfortable. I would rather stay here with our nice, paved, not bumpy roads. Along with having no TV stations, this island has only 3 total radio stations, and probably none of those stations have the kind of music I like. Another bad thing about this island is the fact that they use Australian dollars, I would have to transfer all of my money I would bring into Australian currency, which is just another hastle. Clearly, I see no reasoning in coming to this island over christmas break. Questions: 1. Christmas Island is located off the southwestern side of Oceania. 2. The climate on Christmas Island is very rainy and humid year round. 3. 63% of Christmas island is National Park area. 4. Christmas Island is not its own country, its is controlled and governed by Australia. 5. The ethnic groups of Christmas Island include mostly Chinese, but also include European and Malay. 6. Though the official language of Christmas Island is English, I may have trouble talking to some of the native people. 7. Christmas Island was name after the day it was discovered, Christmas. 8. There are about 200 species of flora and fauna found on Christmas Island, 16 of which are only found on Christmas Island. 9. If I was on Christmas Island, I would probably play on the beach and tour the forests.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Id love to go there! Because it is warm and they have beaches, and I love swimming but it would suck because I wouldnt understand anyone other then that its cool.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i dont want to live there cuase i dont like australian poeple

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I don't want to go.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I wouldent want to go because it looks boaring and plain

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to go there if there is girls but it does'nt sound like it but i'll try. Also it would be a experience hanging out with chinese lots of chinese girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: In reading and taking notes on Christmas Island I learned that most of the island speaks chinese(70%). And most of the island is national park and its part of austrilia. I wouldn't want to go to Christmas Island for a few reasons. One is because it dosent't feel there is anything fun to really do. Another reason is there weather wouls diffrent from where I live now.But there are some things I like about it is that they have nice. And beautiful fish and they have a lot of crabs so i would like to see if there were diffrent types of those. They really didnt give us any information what they do for fun and i would really like to see that.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I gave a rating of four stars because there is many things to do there. For example, about 63% of the island is national park, where tours are given. Also, flora and fauna such as the red crabs, whale sharks, birds such as the Golden Bousan and Frigate are found there. That gives an chance to view the animals living there. There are also many plants to look at, becuse there is 200 species of flowering plants, 25 species found in the forest, ferns, orchids, vines. 16 species can only be found on Christmas Island, which was named after is was discovered on Christmas day, in 1643. I would also go there because the official language there is English. I also know a little Chinese, which could be helpful, because that is another language spoken there. Malay is also spoken there. Most of the people living there are Chinese, which make up 70% of the population. Next is Europeans, at 20%. Malays make up 10%. The religions are 36% Buddhist, 25% Musilm, 18% Christan, and 21% people follow another religion. One reason of why I would't visit there is because of the humid climate. It is tropical with a wet season from December to April. There is also a dry season, with the heat and humidity moderated by the trade winds. Another reason I wouldn't visit there is because of the location. It is located in south-east Asia, in the Indian Ocean, south of Indonesia. That would probably be an expensive airplane ticket. Overall, I would visit here if the plane ticket was free, and I had the time to go.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: well maybe i do wanna go because the pictures look pretty and interesting beaches look nice to just look when your tierd and it well be nice to now a nother language

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Christmas Island is located in the Indian Ocean at latittude 10 30' S and longititude 105 40' E. It is a tropical climate with temps ranging from 21-32 Celsius. 63 percent of the island is national park. It is a territory of Austrailia. There is 70 percent chinese, 20 percent European and 10 percent Malay. Their main religions are Buddhist, Muslim and Christian. The main language is English, so i could communicate easily. There are 135 species of Floura on the island. I wouldn't like to visit because of the tropical climate and there are no recreational events that i am intrested in.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: maybe cause its intersting and it would sound fun going . and the pictures look nice and it would be nice to speak laungues

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i think it sounds like an interesting place. but i don't know if i would want to visit that place. it would be hard to communicate but it would be a good experience to learn another language and meet different people.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: well to tel you te truth i think it kinda over rated it seems like a god place to go nice weathr great fruit but u know just not wats hot u feel me chrismas island i wouldn recomed it but i wouldnt hate it

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I like christmas island cause it has nice weather and i and it doesnt snow. and it has a offical lauangage english and i speak that and i wont be hearing random words i would go visit if i had a chance.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i'd go there for a vacation but not to live there. Because, two thirds of the island is national park and its mostly dense forest.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would not like to go to Christams Island becasue it has no government, I would be afraid that i would get attacked and they would do nothing about it. It is also the top of a mountain. Sicne it is the top of a mountain, there is a 5,000 Meter drop. Christmas Island is in the Indian ocean, and it is hot there. Over sixty percent of the island is a national park. Christmas is owned by Australia.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to visit Christmas Island because it is warm and it's apart of Australlia. Communication would not be difficult for us because enlish is their most common language. I would also like to see the other religions on Christmas Island because there's Buddist, Muslim, Christian, and others.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i wouldn't like to go to christmas island. Most of it is heavy rainforest, and the rest is national park. there's not much to do, almost no contact with the outside world, most of the population is just animals and plants

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: yes because it sounds fun and it looks really pretty and i would have time to relax with no school< i think.. so yeah

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i would like to vist Christmas island because it is warm and part of australia and i like australia! i would also like to see all the wild life and the crabs march! it would be easy to talk to them because they speak english. there main religion is buddhist.i would also like to vist christmas island beacuse i like christmas!i think that Christmas island would be fun!:)

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to go to Christmas Island because of the tropical wet season and dry seasons. It seems like a great place for a vacation so that you can relax. The ethnic groups there are chinese, european nd mayla..I like how its a very mixed culture so that you can learn more from each ehtnic goup. I also love the name of the island because i love christmas and an island has the name of one of my favorite holidays.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: it seem fun but it to small for me and there are only 1,402 people and they have only 1 airplane so it realy slow

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to go to chirtmas island, beacause its tropical and warm! It's a part of Australia and I really like Australia! The main religion there is Buddhist which wouldnt be very good though because im christian, but there is an 18% of christian people there. And 70% of people are chinese. I would be able to communicate well because elglish the the officail language and i speak english! I like the name too because christmas is my favorite holiday and it was founded on christmas! There are a lot of differnt mammals, birds, and reptiles, and a lot of marine life, and ferns and orchids and flowers. There are a lot of beaches and i love going to the beach so that would be good (:

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: It sounds nice and I would go if I had a chance but I wouldn't go out of my way to go there. I would like to go there because it's tropical and warm and it's an island. I like to swim and go to beaches so it would be a good vacation spot. The official language is English so I could speak to people easily. I also think it's cool that 63% is national park so I could go there to see the beauty of nature. It sounds like it has really pretty plant and animal life. I would like to visit some of the rainforests in Christmas Island. The main things I would do there would be going to the beach, swimming in the ocean, and exploring the wildlife. The climate sounds nice and it sounds better than winter so if I had a chance I think I would go to Christmas Island.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to visit Christmas Island because of the warm and dry climate. Also i would like to go to Asia (or least get close to it). Also i would understand them because their offical language is english. But their main religion is Buddist. Most of the people are asian so none of them would look like me:) I also like palm trees. I would also enjoy seeing crabs and eating them! Swimming would be what I'd do for fun. I'd also fish and fly fish. Go czechoslovakia!!!

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i would like to vist Christmas island because it is warm and part of australia and i like australia! i would also like to see all the wild life and the crabs march! it would be easy to talk to them because they speak english. there main religion is buddhist.i would also like to vist christmas island beacuse i like christmas!i think that Christmas island would be fun!:)

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I don't know if I'd like to go to Christmas Island because in December the climate is "wet" all the way through April, and I don't like being wet. I think it would be cool to listen to all the different types of languagesl even though English is the official language. I might want to go just to see the different animals, like Crazy Yellow Ants, and the tropical birds. Other wise I have really no interest in going to the Island. I'd rather stay in the COLD climate in Minnesota.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to vist christmas island becuse it is in the tropical zone. It will be nice because thre went be any snow but the down side is that is warm. A nother thing that looks cool is just swiming there. I also think that it will be nice to learn about there culture i will like to!

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: It is in the Indian Ocean. It has some flora and is mostly forest. 2/3 of it is a wildlife national park. It is a part of Austrailia. They are made up of asians, europeans, and malaysians. The main religions are buhdism, islam, and christianity. They do have computers there and probably have some at hotels. It was discovered on Chrismas and henceforth it's name. For recreation you could explore caves and hike through rainforests. I would want to go there if I had the money. I like it because of the great scenery and would have a relaxing time there.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I think i would enjoy going to christmas island for a few reasons. One is that the whole no TV stations so i wont be able to spend my time being a couch potaoe. Second is that sixty-three percent of the island is a national park and i love wilderness so i wouild like hiking and stuff there ohh and take pictures of it. Last but not least is that there oficial language is english and i know english so i could communicate with other people.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Christmas Island is located in southeastern Asia in the Indian Ocean south of Indonesia, but it is part of Australia. the climate is warm year round, but there are wet and dry seasons. most of the people there are Chinese, Eoropean, and Malay. the main religous group is buddhist. it would be easy for me to communicate with people because the official language is english. there are many animals like crabs, sea birds, and ants. but i do not think i would like to go there because there doesn't seem like there are too many recreational ativities to do, except for look at the rainforests, orchids, and ferms. Christmas Island would be a nice place to go to relax, but it would not be something very fun to do.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Christmas Island is Warm, which i love warm places, so thats a plus, but overall it would be boring. The recreational activites would be scarce, you couldnt really do anything but go to national parks, go to the beach (which would be infested with red crabs and yellow crazy ants) and stay inside your hotel. When i go on vacation I go there to relax, not to be bored. If i did go on vacation in the area of Australia, i would just go to Australia! English is there main language, and that is cool, but only 20% is european and i would feel out of place, just like i would if i went to Central America. Another problem with goign there over winter break is December is when its rainy season starts, and i wouldnt want to be trapped inside of my hotel! In conclusion, i would rather hang around here in good ol' Minnesota and maybe snowboard or go tubing.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i would never visit this place because. idk i just dont like it

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would probably not visit here but since i want to visit every where in the world these would be a better place then others this place probably isnt fun but not completely boring so im pretty sure one day i would visit

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to go to Christmas Island because it has a good climate and it is warm and has dry seasons. I would like to go see all the cities there and go to a lot of stores. But i would'nt like that I prbly would'nt be able to communicate with people if I woud go there.If i would go to christmas Island I would Problly sped most of my time at the stores, swimming, trying new food.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: no don't want to go to chrsitmas island noi don't like warter or wet seasons that and it in asia i don't now what there saying

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Christmas Island is an island in southeast Aisia. It has a hot and humid climate. 63% of Christmas Island is national park. I think it would be fun to go there because it is tropical and warm. It would also be cool to see all the plants and wildlife.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i wouldnt like to go to christmas island becasue i dont like the weather that they have, cuz its really wet and i dont like wet moist places and i dont like islands cuz they seem too isolated.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Even though there are many reasons why I would not like to got to Christmas Island, Her are a few. First, the island is very small. It is half the size of Washington D.C. Next, there is not too much to do there. Because not many people live there. Also, it would cost alot of money to go all the way to Christmas Island from the United States. It would take a long time to fly half way across the world. Another reason, is thta there are many other places that I could go on vacation such as the Bahmas or Hawaii. And lastly, I would not go to Christmas Island because there would be no way for me to contact other people off the island in case I got in trouble or if I wanted to talk to my family aobut how I was ding and how much fun I was having. All in all, Tose are the reasons I do not want to go to Christmas Island.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Christmas Island would be a great get away from the cold weathers of Minnesota. Christmas Island is located southeat of Asia so the weather would be tropical. Christmas Island is also very green because 2/3 of the island is national park. No phonelines and no T.V. will make it a 100% serene get away. Most of the population is Chinese, so you'll get to learn there culture once you visit. Recreational Activities that you'll be able to do there is golf and snorkeling in the ocean. Overall Christmas Island would be a perfect place to get away from the world.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to go but how would i comunicate to the people there.:)

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to go there because i like the weather there and i really wanna check out the fishes and feel how it is like to live in an island.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I think I would probably like to go to Christmas Island because of the extensive forests. I like nature so I would like to find some of the unique flora & fauna inhabiting Christmas Island, such as the only known Abbott's Booby left in the world. I would also like to snorkell or dive in the waters surrounding the island because I think it would be nice to see the many varied species of fish and the Red Crab's.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: if i had the chance to go to christmas island i would b/c they have some beaches there and i love to swim! the weather is hot and nice too! christmas island is definitely somewhere that i'd go! (:

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: The beaches and the sunset look beautiful but i dont wanna go there because of there bad connections and humid weather.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like going to Christmas Island because it has golfing and beaches, but why go half way across the world when they have those things here. I admitt that it is cold here and warm there, but I love snow, because you can go skiing, sledding, have snowball fights, make forts, dig tunnels, and other things. If it doesn't have phone lines it would trouble me, and I don't like foriegn food when I could just have mcdonalds, culvers or dq. I like the name Christmas, even if it isn't very christmas like without snow and pine trees. I'd rather have christmas at home. So I really wouldn't like it.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: Christmas Island would not seem like a very fun get away. there is no phone lines or even a t.v. i would only like to go there because it's tropical and 2/3 of it is national park so it will be perty and beautiful. although it's tropical, i would have trouble comunicatin beacause i speak english and they don't. they don't have that many recreational activities like golf and snorkling. i think it shouldn't be called christmas island. i do like it because it is so small, and i like the smaller communities. i would go if the plane ticket was free. i would rather go to the bahamas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yhtkiduhfyozisudofulzsytf;.ghzlsdfg;djkfhjFFFFUUUUZZZZZZZZZ

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: no i wouldn't like to go to cristmas island. because i don't like there weather and you don't know what there saying and i might not like there food and i wouldn't want to go no were becaue i would be to cold to tour the island.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I'd like to go to Christmas Island for many reasons. One, it is warm, unlike Minnesota. Next, I LOVE Australian people! Another, I like swimming and I've only swan in the ocean twice so I'd like to swim in the ocean. It would be easy to communtcating to people because the national language is English. But, I'd have have to trade in all my money into the Australian dollar. Finally, more than half the island is National Park and I want to see the wildlife. Clearly, I'd lke to visit Christams Island.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i would love to go there beacuse the water looks very clean and there are very beautiful houses. The other reason i would go is to explor the island and have a vacation with my family. one reason i won't go is that there's a lot of crabs.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I think it looks nice and it wouid be a good place to vist because its tropical weather and theres no snow and it would be fun to go siwmming and to meet pepole from different cultures......

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: i would like to go to christmas island because the ocean and the forest look nice and the houses and a reason i wouldnt like to go is because of all the crabs in the streets

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I don't know if I'd like to go to Christmas Island. It seems like there'd be some fun stuff to do there, like visiting the national park, which covers 63% of the island, or maybe going snorkeling, and it'd be cool to be on an island, but other than that there doesn't seem like much to do. Plus it might be weird being there since 70% of the people are chinese and 10% are malay, and since only 18% of the population is Christian, so I might feel out of place. Plus I might not understand what some people are saying even though the official language is english. Also the climate doesn't seem too different from the climate here, and I'm just fine with the Minnesotan climate. And if I wanted to go to Australia, I'd just go there and not to a territory. So I don't know if I'd go there, but it seems kinda cool. :)

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to go to Christmas Island because the weather is really nice. But since there is no way to communicate with other people i will not go.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I would like to go to Christmas Island for some reasons, but if I could I would rather not. It sounds nice with the tropical climate and that almost 2/3 of the island is national parks. Also there is a diversity in ethnic and religions there. It would be cool to go scuba diving, bird watching, seeing red crabs migrating, and nature walking. When you get there you could go to Australia because they own it and you would be surrounded by the Indian Ocean. Except there is no main phone lines and I won't be able to take that. There's also not enough recreational activities and too many types of flora and fauna to see all of them. I do find it interesting that Christmas Island was named for being found in 1643 on Christmas day.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I think that Christmas island would be an good place to visit. The island is located in southeast asia, the islands climate is tropical with wet and dry seasons. The humidity and heat is moderated by the trade winds.Sixty three percent of the island is national parks so the island would most likely look good. The island is a territory of Australia but the ethnic groups are mostly chinese and the religion is mostly buddhist. English is the official language so there wouldnt be a problem with communication. The island has nothing to do with christmas it was just discovered on christmas day. this island is a good place to go to.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: If I could go to Christmas Island I certainly would, though I would probably want to go during the dry season because during the wet season there is a lot of rainfall and storm activity. In would like to go Not finished. Will send another post.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: there is no way to communicate with other people so i wouldn't want to go there.

Reviewed On: December 17, 2009
Review: I think Christmas Island would be an interesting geographic location to visit, but not necessarily cost affective for pleasure (and it doesn’t seem like anybody would be going there for a business trip). Christmas Island is located below Indonesia, at 10° 30’ south, and 105° 40’ east. The climate is tropical with both a wet season and dry season, and the heat and humidity are moderated by the trade winds. Almost two thirds of the territory is dedicated as a National Park, although it’s actually a territory of (owned by) Australia, so it’s not its own country. The population is made up of Chinese (70%), European (20%), and Malay (10%). The religious groups are Buddhist (36%), Muslim (25%), Christian (18%), and 21% are other religions. It would not be too difficult to communicate to the outside world from the island, since it has a large population of Internet hosts, and the official language is English; however, it seems as though there’s a lack of television and radio communication relays. The name “Christmas Island” was appointed according to the date of discovery in 1643. There are 200 species of flowering plants native to the island, and the forests are dominated by 25 different tree species. Ferns, orchids, and vines flourish on the branches in the humid atmosphere beneath the canopy of the rainforest(s). Some relaxing recreational activities that are featured there are swimming (on the coastal beaches), enjoying the tropical climate (since it’s so cold in Minnesota), and having the benefit of visiting the rainforest(s) / National Park. I would recommend waiting to see what the weather forecast is like before you plan your trip, though. Personally, I think everybody’s opinion is altered depending on where they live, and what the weather is like where they are currently residing. If they live in a cold climate like northern Minnesota or Canada, I would guess they’d love to get away and visit Christmas Island. However, if they’re located in somewhere like Puerto Rico or Florida, they probably wouldn’t travel some place exotic like Christmas Island, since the main attraction to the area is the enjoyable climate.

Reviewed On: May 5, 2010
Review: I don't really know if i want to go because it does not give me many details about what Christmas Island has or what it looks like. AT the same time I wanna go to see how it looks like and so i can have a vacation and experience what Christmas Island is all about.

Reviewed On: August 7, 2010
Review: Very interesting idea!

Reviewed On: December 14, 2011
Review: Mi sugerencia para el portafolio de esta asignatura es que los proyectos de investigacion de campo se los realice fuera de la ciudad donde exista la necesidad de hacerlo, y que la investigación sea más profunda y detallada.

Reviewed On: December 14, 2011

Reviewed On: December 14, 2011
Review: mi sugerencia seria que para mejorar el aprendizaje en la materia no se utilizaran los cuadernillos de aprendizaje y a cambio todo los trabajos y preguntas se las hiciera en un cuaderno para ahorrar tiempo para un mayor entendimiento .

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