
How Can I Tell If Something in My Environment is Living?



Task 1: Watch, Listen, Learn! Click on the video links below to learn what living things are and the characteristics they share.

Video 1: Examples of living and non-living things.

Video 2: Characteristics of living things.

Video 3: The term Organism is another name for living things.

Video 4: Test your understanding and determine if the subjects displayed in the video are alive or not.

Task 2: After reviewing what characteristics determine whether something is living or not, open and read the attached document file below titled "MRS NERG." You will then identify from the list of examples below which example is living or non-living and add them to the correct column in the table.
*Draw a table on a clean sheet of paper. The table should be 15 rows with two columns,  label the columns Living and Non-living respectively as shown in the illustration below. Can you add five additional living and non-living things to the table? 
1.    Germs,
2.    Air,
3.    Cell phone,
4.    Seaweed,
5.    Fire,
6.    Coral,
7.    Battery,
8.    Washing Machine,
9.    Cocoon,
10.  Mushroom,
11.  Clouds,
12.  Mango seed,
13.  Seashell,
14.  Earthworm,
15.  Jello,
16.  Rock,
17.  Water,
18.  Jellyfish,
19.  Slugs,
20.  Egg.

Living         Non-Living

Task 3: Your third activity will be to play 2 games that test your ability to differentiate between living and non-living things. You will choose the correct answer: living or non-living.  

Game 1:

Game 2:

Task 4:
Finally, your knowledge will be tested with two short quizzes to see: how well you understand the concept of living and non-living things, how well you remember the characteristics that define both categories and your ability to identify them.


Quiz 2:


    Description: A Mnemonic for remembering the characteristics of living things. Some non living things may display some of the characteristics of life but they must display all seven characteristics in order to be classified as a living organism. Non living things are the opposite of living things. They are mostly inanimate objects. The seven characteristics of living things are: 1- Movement, 2 - Respiration, 3 - Sensitivity, 4 - Nutrition, 5 - Excretion, 6 - Reproduction, 7 - Growth.

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