
Management Roles of the LPN



1. Review your notes and assigned readings regarding leadership and management skills for nursing.

2. Read the article: Hamilton, J. (2003, April 28). Managing Conflict. Advance for Nurses, New England, 20-23.

3. Read the article: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_81.htm  "Conflict Resolution-resolve conflict rationally and effectively".

4. After completing the above, complete the attached worksheet regarding conflict management.   

5. During your meeting with Suzy you begin to discuss the importance of timely management of medication adminstration and other tasks. Suzy confides in you about her inability to delegate some of her tasks to be able to complete her work on time. In order to offer guidance, you have her complete the following delegation worksheet.

6. At the completion of your meeting, you and Suzy agree upon setting goals prior to meeting again in one month for an evaluation of her performance. Devise a performance plan for improvement so that your goals and expectations are made clear for both you and Suzy.





  • File
    Description: Conflict management worksheet

  • File
    Description: Delegation worksheet

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