


This is the MOST important account you will create for this class.

You will be using GOOGLE DRIVE to create and maintain your DIGITAL PORTFOLIO for this class.

Before you can do that you need to set up a GOOGLE account FOR THIS CLASS.  

(If you have a personal Google account, that's fine, but you need to create one for SCHOOL.  Don't use your personal account.  USE YOUR FIRST NAME AND LAST NAME as part of your email account.  Don't use nicknames.)

STEP 1: Go HERE and create a Google Account.  Do NOT share your passwords for any of the accounts you create for this class!
If you need help use this VIDEO below to help you create your Google Account if needed.

STEP 2: Once you have an account and you sign in, look at the top of the Google page and find the checker board looking square (as seen in (IMAGE 1) a menu will drop down (IMAGE 2) click on DRIVE.

STEP 3: Click on the red CREATE box.  A menu box will open.  CLICK on FOLDER. (IMAGE 3) Name your first folder WORLD HISTORY and click CREATE. (IMAGE 4)

STEP 4: Now click on the WORLD HISTORY folder you just created so that it is highlighted with RED LETTERS, then Click on the red CREATE box again. (IMAGE 5) This time create a FOLDER and name it 1 Quarter, and click CREATE. (IMAGE 6)

Follow the same process in STEP 4 and create folders for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarters inside your WORLD HISTORY folder. (IMAGE 6)

STEP 5: The last folder you will create in WORLD HISTORY will be your TECH TOOLS folder.  Follow Step 4 process and create this folder. (IMAGE 6)

You should now have  FIVE FOLDERS in your WORLD HISTORY FOLDER.

STEP 6:  Now click on the TECH TOOLS folder you just created so that it is highlighted with RED LETTERS, then Click on the red CREATE box again.(IMAGE 7)  This time click on DOCUMENT.  A new document will appear.(IMAGE 8)  In the top click on Untitled Document and name it PASSWORDS, and click OK. (IMAGE 9)

STEP 8: Type your GOOGLE ID:______________________  and Password: _______________________  on the first line of this document.

STEP 9: Leave this document OPEN and add to it as you create your different accounts today.


Image 9
Image 3
Description: Create a Folder in Google Drive
Image 4
Description: Naming a folder and saving it
Image 2
Description: Click on the DRIVE icon to access Google Drive
Image 7
Description: Opening Folders to create document
Image 6
Description: Naming and Saving Folders within Folders
Image 8
Description: Create a Document
Image 5
Description: Creating folders inside folders
Image 1
Description: Click on the checker board square to get a drop menu for Google Apps

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