
The Dreaming



Lesson 1
1. Read the Introduction and Task sections.
2. Choose the product that you, personally, like best.
3. Your guide will then help you form a travel group of about 5 pupils.
All pupils in one group will have chosen for the same end product.

4. First, you will learn about Aboriginal history and culture. Visit Site 1, Site 2, Site 3 and Site 4.
5. Use the information that you find on these websites to answer the questions on the AHC form (attachment 2 below).
6. Visit the following website on Dreamtime Stories.
7. On this website, each of you will read the Introduction.
8. Now go the story list and to this Flash website with animated Dreamtime Stories. 'Experience' at least 3 Dreamtime Stories from these websites. You will do this on your own.

9. After you have experienced the stories, choose the one story that you liked best. Then use the Stories form (attachment 3) to make notes of everything that you notice about that story.
10. After you have done this, compare your notes with your travel companions. Together you will determine what makes Dreamtime Stories special; what they have in common; what is important about them; what you like about them.


1. In the next lesson, you are going to have your first 'real-life' encounter with Aboriginal art and culture. As a class, you will go to the Aboriginal Art Museum in Utrecht.
2. Before you leave, print out attachment 1 below (AAMU). You will need to bring this form with you.
3. You will talk with your travel group and decide what you need to learn at the museum in order to create your end product. Use the AAMU form.

Lesson 2

Visit the Aborginal Art Museum in Utrecht.

Lesson 3
1. As a group, take a closer look at the Dreamtime Stories that you experienced in the first lesson. This time, pay attention to the grammar and style of the stories. What tenses are used in these stories (Present/Past/Future)? Perhaps different tenses are used in different stories? Make a list of adjectives that are used to describe people, places and things.
2. You will need the AAMU forms that you used when yo visited the museum. The information you have written down on those forms will help you write your own Dreamtime Story. Compare and put together all the information you have written down.
3. Print one more copy of the AAMU form (attachment 1). You can use this empty form to help you write your own Dreamtime Story. Together with your travel companions, decide what the theme of your group story will be; which characters you will introduce; what the moral or Main Message of your story will be.
4. Each of you will now write their own Dreamtime Story -- at home. This will be your homework for the next lesson. Use the characters, theme and Main Message that you have chosen as a group. Try and imitate the style of the Dreamtime Stories that you have experienced. Pay attention to grammar (tenses?) and use adjectives to describe people, places and things.
5. When you meet up again, you will share and compare the stories you have written.

Lesson 4
1. Share and compare the Dreamtime Stories that you have written at home. As a group, you will decide which of the 5 stories you like best. You may also choose to pick bits and pieces from several stories that you have written and combine them to make one new story.
2. When you have chosen/produced the final story, you can start to think about how to use this story to produce the end product which you have chosen (narration, short play, painting, etc.). NOTE: your group's final story will be handed in to your teacher and will be evaluated as part of your final mark. Originality, grammar and style will be taken into account. The story has to be between 400 & 500 words long. See under 'Evaluation' for specific requirements.


Lesson 5
You will continue working on your end product. Keep track of the time: this is the last opportunity to finish your product! In the next lesson, you will present it in the grand exhibition. NOTE: your group's end product will determine the other part of your final mark. Again, originality, presentation and co-operation will be taken into account. See under 'Evaluation' for specific requirements.

Lesson 6
CONGRATULATIONS! You have come a long way. Now you are at your final destination: the Grand Exhibition. This is your chance - and your sacred duty - to pass on what you have learned. Together with your guide, you will put together an exhibition of your Dreamtime products that can teach and entertain your fellow schoolmates, teachers and parents during the Open Evening.


  • File
    Description: Stories

  • File
    Description: AHC

  • File
    Description: AAMU

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