
The Protestant Reformation



Let's begin!

In the first part of this WebQuest you and your fellow group members must delegate group roles that you all must follow to be as productive and successful and possible.  The roles are:
  • Leader: makes sure everyone is fulfilling their individual roles and staying on track
  • Recorder: organizes and writes down notes
  • Primary Researcher: most skilled at researching via the Internet or library resources in case further resources are desired by group
  • Primary Artist: most skilled at creating or designing a presentation of your group's argument
Once roles are delegated they are not set in stone, but please make sure your group is working as effective and efficient as possible.

In the second part of your WebQuest your group should go through the several Internet resources provided (on the Task page).  Feel free to use other resources, but please run them by the teacher to make sure they are appropriate and credible.  When going through the resources you and your group should answer these following questions:
  1. Who was involved in the Protestant Reformation?  Was it just clergy and nobility?
  2. Who was for it, who opposed it, and why?
  3. Who was Martin Luther?
  4. What were Luther's grievances with the Catholic Church?
  5. Who was John Calvin and what was his role in the Reformation?
  6. Who was Pope Leo X and what was his role in the Reformation?
  7. Why were some people, authorities, and government so quick to become Protestant?
  8. What happened to the Catholic Church as a result of this?
  9. What happened to Christianity as a result of this?
  10. How has this changed the way Europeans viewed themselves?
  11. Was Martin Luther solely responsible for the Protestant Reformation, why?
  12. Was what ultimately happened to Europe and Christianity Luther's true intention, why?
  13. How has it shaped the world, as we know it today? (this one is crucial to your short paper)

In the third part return to these questions and the answers your group came up with.  This is where you and your group will be stepping into the shoes of political advisors to a European monarch.  It is your duty to come up with reasons in support of or in opposition to allowing Protestantism in your country.  You must create a well-balanced argument to present to your monarch that considers and addresses the political, social, and economic wellbeing of your country.  This is a difficult task but your country's counting on you to cooperatively come up with a side!  Other resources than the ones provided may be necessary to tackle this issue.

Once you all have collaboratively created an argument, you can move on to the fourth part of your WebQuest, which is deciding how to go about presenting your compelling argument to the monarch (the teacher) and other nobility (your classmates).  Brainstorm to figure out the best way for your group to get your point across.  You can be creative as you want (PowerPoint presentation, skit, etc.) but the main focal point is the argument itself.  Teamwork is a must on this part and everyone must play their role in order for your group to be successful.

In part five you and your group, and the other groups as well, will be presenting their findings and arguments (worth 20 points).  Each group will have 5-10 minutes to present their argument.  Each group member must play an active role in the presentations in order for the entire group to receive credit.

The final step to this WebQuest, part six, is an individual task.  You will be writing a short paper, 2-3 pages in length (worth 30 points), exploring the issue of the Protestant Reformation.  The main question that must be answered in the paper is "How has the Protestant Reformation shaped the world as we know it today?"  This is a persuasive piece so your opinions are welcomed, BUT they must be backed up with sources and facts.  Call upon your findings during your research, group work, and other groups' presentations to lead you to your own answer, however, this will require further research.  Think about wars, formations of new Protestant denominations, and the role of the common man in religion to help with your paper.

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