
Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Shopping Spree



Step One
You will set up your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. (Remember you can use GCFLearnfree.org for help with Excel)

Open the attached document titled "Excel Shopping Spree!" Follow the instructions to complete your spreadsheet. Make sure to double check your formulas.

Step Two
You will go shopping for items of your interest and fill them out in your spreadsheet in the appropriate columns.  You must purchase at least 10 items you may purchase more then 10 but you cannot purchase less than 10 items.

You may shop at:

Step Three
You will present your spreadsheet aloud to the class. Keep these questions in mind:
  1. Were you able to spend your money wisely?
  2. How much money did you spend?
  3. Did you go over budget, spend exactly $2,000.00, or come as close to $2,000.00 as you possibly could?
  4. What have you learned from this lesson?

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