
The Great Horse Adventure!



      A) Find your assigned horse in the list of links below and learn as much as you can about your type of horse. Be sure to take good notes, because we will need them when we begin to make our posters. 

            1) The first thing we need to find out is what breed of horse would be good for this job? Not all horses can do the same things.  You wouldn't use a Clydesdale to go barrel racing, but he sure would be great at pulling a big fancy carriage. Explore the links below and discover all the breeds of horse that can be used for your type of work. Make a column on a sheet of paper and label it "breed" then list all the breeds you find.

* Race Horse


                 * Horse Assisted Therapy
                 *Ranch or Farm Horses
           2) Now that we know what breeds we are looking for, pick two off of your list that you think you would like to learn more about. Let's look up pictures to see what they look like and find out other information about them. Can you tell me how big they get? What color is their hair, is it long or short? In these links you will see that horses can come in many different sizes and colors! After researching the two breeds, circle the one on your list that you liked best and make a new column on your paper for "features" and list all the things you found out about what your horse looks like.

*Race horse

                 *Horse Assisted Therapy

                 *Ranch or Farm Horse

          3) Great work so far!! We are learning so many interesting facts about horses! Okay, so we know what breed of horse we need and we know what they look and act like. Let's find out if they have a special diet or if some of the breeds eat similar foods. Other questions we can answer are how much do we need to feed them and how many times a day they should they be fed to stay healthy and fit. Your next column should read "Diet" and write what types of food and how much food your horse needs every day.
                *Race Horse

                *Horse Assisted Therapy

                *Ranch or Farm Horses

         4) What do we need to find out next? I think maybe we should search for equipment that we would need for our horses to do their job properly. This special equipment is called tack. Does your horse need a special saddle? Does he wear shoes or need to be fitted with a harness?  There are many different tools for a horse to utilize while working but he needs the right one for the job! Find out what in the websites below and make your third column "Tack" and take notes of a few things that you would need.

               *Race Horse
                *Horse Assisted Therapy

               *Ranch or Farm Horse


        5)  We are almost done! Only a couple more things to find out then we can make our posters! I can't wait! Grooming is very important when you’re taking care of a horse. All that hard work can make your horse tired or dirty. Does he need a bath, would she like you to brush her? What about her teeth and hooves? Do they need special care? I don't know either so come on and let’s find out together! Search the following sites to find out how to take care of your horse’s needs. In your last column write "grooming" and list the supplies and steps you would use.

                *Race Horse
                *Assisted Therapy Horse

                *Ranch or Farm Horse

       6) Finally, I want you to look up on your own, pictures of where your type of horse would live. Does he live on a Ranch or Farm? Maybe she lives in an Assisted Care Facility? Where ever your horse lives, find and print a picture so we can use them on our posters.

         All right we did it; we are finished, great team work guys! Now let's make our posters so we can hang them up for all our students and visitors to see. This will require extra team work and compromise because you can only use one picture of each item to place on your poster. To make your poster find pictures of each of the items on your sheet of paper. You can find pictures on the internet, magazines, or you can draw and color your own pictures. You will have to work together and discuss what you liked best about each column, you may find out that many of you liked the same things or some of you might not be able to decide which picture to use and then you will have to find another way to agree. Maybe you could use a coin toss or each of you could write what you liked best on a piece of paper and put them all into a hat, then someone can close their eyes and draw one out! There are many ways to work together and have fun, so good luck. I am excited to see what you come up with!

B) For our individual assignments we will write a special story where we get to turn into a horse and live in one of the places we've learned about. The first thing we have to do to get ready for our story is to think about what our new horse names are going to be, then we are going to use our five senses(touch, smell, taste, hearing, and sight) to describe our day as a horse. You will include descriptions of things that you might eat, do you eat juicy apples or sweet oats? What do they taste like? What are some sounds that you would hear where you live, the crowd cheering as you win a race? How about other animals or people that you would see, do you see wheel chairs where you work? What are some other things that you can smell or might touch when you walk around your home? Finally you will tell me why you chose to be this kind of horse and how it makes you feel to do this type of work!

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