

You will now gather information that will help you to create an INFOGRAPHIC about a particular topic within a subject of your choice.

Step 4:  Select one of the TOPICS listed here, and watch the video.  All of these are CRASH COURSE videos created by John Green and Hank Green.  Several of the teachers in the FRESHMAN ACADEMY use these videos in their classes.  They have a lot of great information, but are also funny and entertaining.

History- The Renaissance- Was It A Thing?

Literature- A Long, and Difficult Journey or The Odyssey

Biology- DNA, Hot Pockets, & The Longest Word Ever

Step 5: Go to your GOOGLE DRIVE and OPEN the TECH TOOLS folder.  Create a DOCUMENT there and name it CRASH COURSE NOTES. (IMAGE 2)

Take Notes as you watch the video (on the video page there is also a COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT of the video, if you would prefer to read it.)  (IMAGE 3)

You may also turn on the CLOSED CAPTIONING of the VIDEO, this allows the words spoken in the video to appear on screen. (IMAGE 4)

Step 6: After completing the Video go to the Easel.ly site, look under PUBLIC VISUALS and find the template  used to create the "How To be Successful..." infographic. (IMAGE 5)

Step 7: Use this and the VIDEO NOTES to create an INFOGRAPHIC about the video topic.

Step 8: When you finish go to the TOP LEFT corner and find SAVE, click on it and save this file as GOOGLE INFOGRAPHIC. (IMAGE 6)

Step 9: Find HOME in the TOP LEFT and click on it, in the pop-up window click LEAVE. (IMAGE 7)

Step 10: You should now be on your page and you will see your saved infographic at the top.  Below it click SHARE. (IMAGE 8)

Step 11: At the top of this pop-up window find DOWNLOAD and click.  It should save to your computer.  (IMAGE 9)

Step 12: Find the infographic on your computer (IMAGE 10) and add it to your GOOGLE DRIVE folder TECH TOOLS.

Step 13: LOG OUT OF Easel.ly at the TOP of the page. (IMAGE 11)


Image 3
Description: Crash Course Transcript
Image 4
Description: Turn on Closed Captioning
Image 6
Description: Save the Infographic
Image 7
Description: Go to Home and click LEAVE
Image 8
Description: Locate Infographic on your Easel.ly page
Image 9
Description: Download your INFOGRAPHIC to the computer (Either the Desktop or the Downloads folder)
Image 11
Description: LOG OUT of EASEL.LY

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