
Ready, Set, Let's Go Vote!


Follow the links below to learn how the  President of the USA is really elected.  Once you have a good understanding of how it all works, take the map of the US worksheet and fill in the blanks.  Show which states are for which candidates by coloring the Democratic states blue and the Republican states red.  Leave the states that have not yet decided blank.   You will also fill in the number of electorate votes each state gets.  Make sure to check out the "Show What You Know" on the bottom two websites to test your knowledge for fun!


Web Link

Web Link

Web Link

Web Link
  • Electoral College
    Description: A simple written article explaining the Electoral College. When you are finished, quiz yourself to see if you are an expert in the Electoral College. Look under "Show What You Know".

Web Link
  • Electoral Map
    Description: About the Electoral Map -Be sure to check out the 'Show What you Know' when you are done to see how you rate!

Web Link

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