
Ready, Set, Let's Go Vote!




# Needs Improvement 1 Satisfactory 2 Very Good 3 Excellent 4 Score
Venn Diagram Venn diagram is labeled incorrectly. Does not show any understanding of the political parties. There are many grammatical mistakes. Venn diagram is labeled correctly. Shows some understanding of the political parties. Some grammatical mistakes. Venn diagram is labeled correctly. Shows complete understanding of the political parties. There are a few grammatical mistakes. Venn diagram is labeled correctly. Shows complete understanding of the political parties. There are no grammatical mistakes. %25
Electoral Map Map is not filled in or filled out in-correctly and student has poor understanding of how the President is elected. Map may be filled out correctly but is sloppy and student can not completely understand the process of electing the President. Map is filled out correctly but may not be as neatly done as should be. Student displays an understanding of how the President is elected. Map is filled out correctly and is very neatly done. Student can explain how the electoral vote works to choose our President. 25%
Brief Statement on the differences between the Democratic and Republican Party & Audio/Video Clip telling what you are Student does not show an understanding of the difference between the parties. The statement is not at least four sentences long. Sentence structure is poor, and there are many grammatical mistakes. Video or audio clip does not contain any reasons for voting the way the student wants to vote. Student does not use proper grammar when speaking. Student shows some understanding of the differences between the parties. Sentence structure is poor and there are several grammatical mistakes. Student shows understanding of the differences between the two parties.The statement contains at least four well put together sentences. There are some grammatical mistakes. Student shows complete understanding of the differences between the two parties. The statement is structured properly with no grammar or spelling errors. %25
Class Election Student does not participate in the class election. There is no understanding of the voting process or the process of determining a winner. Does not help with the campaign (making posters, iMovies, keynotes) Student participates in the class election. Student has some understanding of the voting process but does not understand how to determine a winner.Helps with campaign but takes no initiative Student participates in the class election. Student completely understands the voting process and has some understanding of how to determine a winner. Works well with members of the group to get work done. Student participates in the class election. Student has complete understanding of the voting process and how to determine a winner. Takes a leadership role in the group. %25

Total Score: %100

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