
What Kind of Smart Are YOU?



Did you know that you are different from everyone else in our class?  You are different from the person sitting next to you.  You are different from your teacher.  You are different from your best friend, and you are different from your brother or sister.  There is only one person just like YOU!  Isn't that amazing?  We all like to do different things, have different families, live in different places, and like different foods.  This makes you one of a kind and special!  

Another way you are special is that you have your own way of learning.  Today, we're going to learn HOW you like to learn, or HOW you are smart.  Some people like to learn by moving around, and others like to sit quietly.  Some people like to learn by reading books, and others like to do experiments.  Some people learn from nature, and others learn by singing songs.  Today we're going to learn HOW you like to learn.  This will help you see how special you are, and how we are all different!  Let's get started!

First, it's important to know about the 8 main types of smart.  These are the ways most of us like to learn.  Think about yourself as I read each one and see if any of them sound like you!

Word smart - you like to read, write and pay attention to the meaning and spelling of words.  You enjoy crossword puzzles, reading and writing assignments.  You may write in a diary at home and you have lots of books.

Logic smart - you love to do math and science, and you enjoy experiments and asking questions.  You are good at math and like visiting museums.

Picture smart - you like to design things, draw, think in pictures, and doodle.  You like movies, mazes, puzzles, illustrated books, and LEGOS.

Body smart - you love to move around and have trouble sitting still for very long.  You like to dance, run, jump, and touch things with your hands.  You love sports and physical games.

Music smart - you love to listen to music and may even play a musical instrument.  You enjoy singing, whistling, humming, tapping your feet and hands.

People smart - you are happiest when you are with your friends.  You belong to groups like Girls Scouts or Cub Scouts, and you enjoy games, parties, and clubs.

Self smart - you tend to be a quiet person.  You are aware of how you think and feel.  You enjoy spending time alone and like to work on projects by yourself.

Nature smart - you love to spend time outside, and know the names of many animals, trees, plants and flowers.  You feel happy when you are at the beach or in the country.  You like to garden and plant.

Do any of these sound like you?  THINK-PAIR-SHARE with a partner.  Tell your partner 2 of the ways you believe you are smart.



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