
Finding the Equation of a Sine Curve Using Biorhythm Graphs



What are biorhythms?

Biorhythms are cycles that attempt to describe energy levels or capacities for performance in various areas. The three "primary" biorhythms are:

- physical : describes physical energy, reflexes, strengths, stamina
- emotional: describes emotional stability and empathy
- intellectual: describes mental aptitude, creativity, and problem solving capabilities

When the biorhythm line is above the 0% line, your capacity in that area is enhanced; you feel stronger, more alert, more connected, more empathetic. These are times when you are able to do more, be more, enjoy more. When the biorhythm lines are below 0%, your capacity is diminished, and conservative behavior is recommended. Finally, when a biorhythm line crosses the 0% line, or crosses another biorhythm line, energies are unpredictable and may not be favorable to you.

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