
Type 2 Diabetes



Chances are that if you have been newly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, you probably have experienced one or more of the above symptoms recently.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2015), “
86 million Americans are living with prediabete
s and nearly 90 percent of them unaware of it” (para 1). Many others, like you, may not be aware of what Type 2 Diabetes is all about.  However, it's not too late to start to learn.

Let's empower YOU with Type 2 Diabetes knowledge!

Having a new diagnosis of a chronic illness can certainly be frightening. If not daunting, to say the least...

The good news is –Type 2 Diabetes is completely manageable. So please join us, as we explore topics and issues you will certainly need to be equipped with, as you embark upon this new journey.

Afterall, "Knowledge is Power" - Sir Francis Bacon


Jakubek, K. (2015). AMA, CDC to Announce Urgent National Initiative to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2015/a0311-diabetes-stat.html

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