
Stop, Drop and Roll! Fire Safety tips



    Imagine you are asleep soundly in your cozy bed with your favorite stuffed animal. You are about to drift into a deep sleep when you start to hear a loud siren buzzing off in your ear.  It does not take you long to realize that the noise is the fire alarm located above your door. What do you do? Where is the fire located? How can you and your family get out of the house safely?

This webquest will arm you and your family with the knowledge to be able to safely escape a house fire.

But why is fire safety so important? Well let's look at some statistics...

     Did you know that each year more than 4,000 Americans die in fires and a startling 20,000 are injured?.

Children make up around 15-20% of all fire fatalities every year. That is an alarming number. This webquest is designed to help you learn how to respect fire and know what do to if you are inside somewhere that is caught on fire.

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