
Excellent Players Needed




# 25 marks 20 marks 15 marks 10 marks Score
Written Biography (meaning, content, and organization) Overall meaning adequately conveyed. Main points are clear and no minor irrelevances. A range of cohesive devices used. Overall meaning conveyed. Main points are clear with minor irrelevances. A few cohesive devices used Meaning clear in straightforward communication. Few irrelevances. Simple cohesive devices used Meaning is clear in short, simple communication. Some irrelevances. Little evidence of cohesive devices %25
Written Biography (Mechanics) No spelling errors. Appropriate use of capital letters, full stops, commas, and apostrophes Occasional errors in spelling. Minor errors regarding capital, full stops, commas, and apostrophes Few errors in spelling. Few errors regarding capital, full stops, commas, and apostrophes Spelling errors intrude though words are mainly recognizable with efforts. Misusing of capital letters, commas, and apostrophes. %25
Design Excellent Design V. Good Design Good Design Acceptable Design %25
Presentation Distinguished and reflects team work Attractive Good Acceptable %25

Total Score: %100

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